Courses & Curriculum
Early Childhood (Pre-K through Fourth Grade)
The BGA journey begins with our youngest learners. Their time in our Early Learning Center and Lower School builds a crucial foundation for increasingly complex academic and personal experiences.
A holistic approach fosters each child’s development academically, socially, emotionally, morally, and physically. All of this takes place in an environment where children are known, loved, and valued. Our goal is to offer a program that cultivates a student’s curiosity, intellect, and character while nurturing a love of learning and social responsibility.
We believe that all BGA students can be successful. Understanding that children learn differently, we ignite and nurture the curiosity and intellect of all learners.
Middle School
Middle School is home to grades 5-8, and our curriculum addresses the needs of young people during these crucial adolescent years.
While all students are part of one Middle School, there are two wings to our division: a fifth and sixth-grade wing (“Gold Hall”) and a seventh and eighth-grade wing (“Blue Hall”). Thus, students spend most of their time with their grade level, but they also have opportunities to be part of their larger peer group through assemblies, teams, clubs, and assorted school activities.
We balance the world’s demand for savvy technical skills with the timeless interpersonal skills needed for developing girls and boys of high character.
Upper School
BGA’s Upper School curriculum provides students with a variety of course offerings designed to develop their reasoning abilities, aesthetic sensibility, intellectual curiosity, and moral vision.
Departmental requirements are designed not only to comply with all college entrance requirements but also to excite students about learning and broaden their approach to intellectual pursuits.
BGA fosters a community of learners, instilling positive attitudes that encourage students to continue into a lifelong journey of learning.