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Parent Perspectives

Parent Perspectives is our comprehensive series of parent programs that enriches our partnership with parents while strengthening the sense of community that is a hallmark of BGA.

Whether through guest speakers or the expertise of our faculty, our programs are designed to educate, inspire and support parents as they navigate the transitions and celebrations of their child’s development. Through these expanded opportunities for engagement and learning, we aim to empower parents with information they can use to confidently guide their children through each stage of their schooling journey.

"The Anxious Generation" Parent Coffee and Book Study

Date: Thurdays, February 6 & 20, March 6
Time: 7:45-8:45 a.m.
Location: Middle School Library
Who: Fourth through eighth grade parents

Join Shannon Dishman and Layne Pickett for a three-part series discussing "The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt. Explore how the shift from play-based to phone-based childhood has contributed to the youth mental health crisis and discuss ways to support children in today’s digital world.


Laura Stack: The Dangerous Truths About Today’s Marijuana

Join Laura Stack, founder of Johnny’s Ambassadors, as she shares her personal story and research on the dangers of high-THC marijuana and its impact on adolescent brain development and mental health.

Date: Monday, February 10
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: The Sondra Morris and Robert N. Moore, Jr. ‘52 Center for Arts and Entrepreneurship
Who: Fifth through 12th grade parents

Come early and enjoy a cup of coffee with other parents!